773 580 4100 | clint@clintmay.com
Making a construction company feel sexy isn’t easy. But when the client believes in you—you take it to the highest echelon. For this brochure, the client wanted a piece that would be the “BMW of brochures.” Filled with heroic images of the work-a-day man and exuberant spreads of color, this brochure brings a touch of luxury and style to a business not generally associated with class.

Because the new Gallant brand didn't yet exist, existing stock images had to be retouched. In this case, jackets and helmets were recolored and the Gallant typography was embroidered on the pockets

Semi-translucent pages punctuate the brochure, allowing for layered effects.

A small but tricky Photoshop addition required placing the logo beneath the mud and grime of this stock construction worker image.

The use of a spot color in the Gallant brand red allowed for gorgeous large floods of color on the thick, textured paper.